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Why Viisaus

As a company we are technology agnostic, our products and services are tailor-fit to all our clients.

We leverage our advanced analytics and our end-to-end capabilities to creatively solve complex business challenges.

We develop a change plan that integrates your business processes and workforce.

We can deliver business models and operating model change to unlock value for shareholders, customers, employees, and the wider community.

Our Technology Products and Services

Many decision-makers face challenges in understanding and analysing complex data, particularly when it involves geo-spatial information. Traditional data analysis techniques are not adequate in analysing spatial data, which requires specialised skills and tools.

Furthermore, decision-makers often lack contextual information, making it challenging to understand the impact of different factors on their decision-making process. They may also face information overload, which can make it difficult to extract meaningful insights from data.

In addition, data is often stored in different formats, making it challenging to integrate diverse datasets. These are the problems ARVO is built to solve – enabling users to leverage the power of data and location intelligence.

ARVO is a platform agnostic tool that helps our clients make informed decisions using data by providing layered insights from a geo-spatial perspective. The product utilises visualization techniques that adhere to our proprietary framework to present complex data in an easy-to-understand format.

With our intuitive and user-friendly interface, users can easily access and visualise a wide range of data, including economic indicators, population demographics, and political trends. ARVO is also customisable, allowing users to tailor the data to their specific needs and preferences.

In today’s fast-paced digital age, the demand for more efficient and streamlined processes has never been greater, especially in government agencies where the volume of paperwork can be overwhelming.

With an ever-increasing demand for transparency, accountability and timely service delivery, the digitisation of government processes has become a necessity. However, many government agencies still rely on outdated, paper-based systems that can be time-consuming, costly and prone to errors. This is where our process automation & digitisation service comes in.

Our team of experts specialize in providing tailored gov-tech software solutions that automate inefficient government processes, thereby increasing productivity, efficiency and accuracy. By leveraging the latest in digital technology, our solutions enable agencies to streamline processes, reduce paper-based systems and improve service delivery.

We understand that government agencies face unique challenges, such as compliance with regulations, security and privacy requirements, and budget constraints. Our service addresses these challenges by providing scalable, cost-effective solutions that are designed to meet the unique needs of each agency. With our Process Automation & Digitisation service, we help government agencies achieve their digital transformation goals, enabling them to serve their constituents in a more timely and efficient manner.

With our extensive experience in the public sector, we understand the unique challenges and complexities that government projects can entail.

We also recognise the critical role that software solutions play in the success of such projects. Therefore, we offer a comprehensive range of services that include project planning, risk management, quality assurance, and technical validation of existing software solutions.

Our team consists of highly skilled and knowledgeable experts who have a proven track record of delivering successful project outcomes. We work closely with our clients to understand their specific needs and tailor our services to meet those needs.

Whether it’s a large-scale project or a smaller initiative, we are committed to providing exceptional service and support to help our clients achieve their goals.

VIISAUS - Land Automation - Delta

With a deep-rooted commitment to empowering Nigerian government agencies with cutting-edge software solutions, we bring together a team of highly skilled developers, designers, and strategists who are passionate about transforming the way public services are delivered. Our extensive experience in the gov-tech domain, combined with our in-depth knowledge of Nigeria’s unique socio-political landscape, enables us to develop custom software that is perfectly aligned with your specific requirements and objectives.

At VIISAUS, we recognize the immense potential of technology to revolutionize governance and enhance public service delivery. Whether you are looking to develop citizen-centric applications, implement data-driven decision-making systems, or enhance the efficiency of public service delivery, we have the expertise and resources to bring your vision to life.

What sets us apart is our unwavering dedication to quality, innovation, and security. We follow industry best practices and leverage the latest technologies to develop robust, scalable, and future-proof software solutions. Our team adopts an agile approach, collaborating closely with your stakeholders to ensure that every solution we deliver not only meets but exceeds your expectations.

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